Interesting Articles
Article with Ham radio implications here.
Piecework at the nano assembly line article is here.
Dance of auroras: First direct observation of electron frolic, here.
Rotating dusty gaseous donut around an active supermassive black hole, here.
Physicists create new form of light, here.
System draws power from daily temperature swings, here.
Graphene on toast, anyone? -Scientists create patterned graphene onto food, paper, cloth, cardboard, here.
Can a cockroach teach a robot how to scurry across rugged terrain? -Bug research paves the way for search-and-rescue and exploration tasks, here.
Lithium metal solid state batteries, here.
Single-atom transistor, the world's smallest, here.
Stacking concrete blocks is a surprisingly efficient way to store energy, here.
Battery made of paper and fueled by bacteria, here.
Wireless communication breaks through water-air barrier, here.